Sunday 25 March 2012

Surprise somebody - done!

Well, it was more of a surprise for me from Andy... 
Obviously said yes...and then got to surprise everybody with the news!

Go to Paris - done!

Walks along the Seine... 
Look - it's definitely not Blackpool!

Love locks on the bridge

Andy exhausted at the Louvre

Our room with a view
Breakfast in Luxembourg Gardens

Pompidou silliness!

More food by the Seine...

Only in France can you have cake for breakfast...mmm....

Thursday 15 March 2012

Write a will - done!

One now has a will.....

The geek glasses added to the feeling of importance...

Very morbid, but at least now I can relax in the knowledge that my lovely niece Grace will be getting my royal wedding memorabilia if the worst was to happen....

Sunday 11 March 2012

Karaoke - Done!

The horrific video evidence of karaoke - please protect your ears if you intend to watch this clip...

Photographic evidence of the karaoke!

The eyes have well and truly gone...

The remaining Karaoke crew!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Sunday 4 March 2012

Go on a snowdrop walk - done!

Fountains Abbey - my favourite!

Surrounded by a sea of half-dead snowdrops...

Some are still alive!


Snowdrops make me happy!