Wednesday 6 June 2012

Try an extreme sport - Done!

Before I start, Extreme Running is officially an extreme sport (  Second, an extreme sport is defined as:

"......... activities that are associated with an adrenaline rush that is felt by the participant. These activities are often dangerous and any mistake could result in injury or even death." 

So, this evening I did my extreme sport!  I went rain-running (running in the rain) with Andy.

Doesnt sound so extreme?  Let me provide you with a few facts.....

1.  Everytime I have been running with Andy I have either a) cried  b)  vomited or  c)  both;

2. Whilst running with Andy I often feel an extreme adrenaline rush (see definition of extreme sport);

3. Whilst running with Andy I often have the urge to injure myself; and

4.  After running with Andy I often feel like I might die.

So, the extreme running in the rain consisted of visiting the local school sports ground and running laps (being chased by Andy).  It was raining very heavily, but that was good as the rain masked the tears.

NB:  I will be trying extreme mountain biking with Dan Whittaker soon, but haven't had time to do it before my birthday due to him marrying our Jen and being busy not breaking parts of his body.

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