Sunday 27 May 2012

Go Glamping/Go Camping - Done!

The Outbuildings on Anglesey.  A very lovely place to stay - they even have a campervan (called Huey) for hire!

Glamping at its best!

Ready for a night on the tiles (with hair issues - i forgot my hairdryer.  A hotel would have provided me with one....never glamping again) 
Our lovely Pink Hut in all its glory!

Small print - as glamping is glamorous camping - i have officially both glamped and camped.  No matter what anybody says.....

Go to Anglesey - Done!

Just back from Anglesey - what a fabulous place (especially in this weather).  If you've never been - go - it's amazing!
A nice woodland walk...

Followed by a bit of sand in the mouth at the beach...

Andy getting too close to the edge!

Where's Wally?

Fire a gun - Done!

Being trained by the master....

It's a hit!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Have a spray tan - Done!

Before -  Shocked by my hue...

After - Fake it until you make it!

It is very dark - honestly...

Saturday 19 May 2012

Go to Festival - Done!

Ok, so it's a food festival - however, officially, it's a festival - this is NOT a cop-out..... 
Mega busy

Todays purchases - yum.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Go to a meditation class - Done!

The lovely Ilkley Friends Meeting House where weekly meditation classes are held...

Tonight I went to a meditation class in Ilkley.    Every week they teach how to meditate based on a different area or subject. The theme tonight was "Letting Go".  The gist is that if you can let go of all the beliefs you have of what can make you happy, then you can focus on your internal happiness - which is the only real way to be happy.  For example, if money made people happy then rich people would all be super happy (which we know they're not - see Gordon Ramsey), or if being beautiful made us happy then super models would be super happy super models (which they're not - see Naomi Campbell).  So, if one is happy inside, it doesn't really matter what we have around us, we will be happy with what we've got.  

All I could think during my meditation was how happy I'd be if I was a rich supermodel married to Gordon Ramsey...

Me, demonstrating meditation!
Ilkley Buddist  - Have a look at the website - it is an enlightening way to spend an evening.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Play Black Jack - Done!

Black Jack!

Card counting...

I don't trust that dealer...

The Hustlers!

Poker face

Thursday 10 May 2012

Go rollerbooting - Done!

Boots with wheels - you'd have thought it!

Amanda - skater extraordinaire!

Can you see the fear?

Slightly wobbly....

Not so wobbly.

Yesterday, myself and Amanda went to a fabulous rollerbooting exercise class in Morley.  It was much fun and very painful.  Rollerbooting isn't as easy as it was when you were 8......

Return to my former blonde self - done!

Well, i'm part way there - you can't rush such a great transformation....

The downstairs loo - where better to photograph oneself?

Read Lady Chatterleys Lover - Done!

Well, another one out of the way!  I would definitely recommend Lady Chatterley's Lover - it's an incredible book (only if you can handle rude's fairly tame in reality).  The love story of Lady Chatterley and her 'Lover' is intense and makes you want to just read another chapter and another and another. 

Moral of the story?  Love conquers all and money can't buy you love.  They'd make excellent song titles....