Thursday 26 April 2012

Do an evening class - Done!

Well, after putting off my 'do an evening class', i have finally had a realisation - i quite simply do not want to learn French.

I have always had a vision of going to French classes before jetting off to Paris (joie de vivre!) and speaking beautifully fluently to the locals.  I also look Parisian in this vision - stick thin, long, thick, shiny hair, Jackie-O sunglasses, camel mac and Louboutins - but, sadly, neither are ever going to happen.

I struggle with English most of the time (i'm still trying to use 'disenfranchised' in a sentence - a goal I set myself 3 years ago a la (look, back to the French again!) Clueless) so i'm giving up on learning another language.  I'm leaving the dream behind.  I'll grow old safe in the knowledge that a 'D' in GCSE French will help me to buy chocolates, say turn left/right, tell people where i live and that my mum is called Judith when i'm next in France.  What more do i need?

So, following all that - i've started my Yoga evening class!  Major cop-out.....

Au revoir!

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