Thursday 23 February 2012

Go to a dance class - Done!

Tonight the fabulous Baildon Belles had  a Bollywood dancing night!  To add to the excitement we were being filmed by the BBC!

Warming up....

Busting a few moves....

Mostly just laughing...

Can you see the synchronicity!?

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Go on a snowdrop walk - NOT DONE!

The resident woodland weirdo couldn't find any snowdrops, even with his special specs....

...we searched high and low....

...and then we found them - all the snowdrops.  What?  You cant see them?  Thats because we were in BLUEBELL Woods!  We'll try again next weekend.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Where there's a whale there's a way..........

I have to admit that i'm struggling with one of my tasks - reading Moby Dick.  It's just a bit dull in places which is a bit of a shame because the story itself is great.  Anyway, my lovely friend Alex saw one of my previous posts where I said i'd fallen asleep reading Moby Dick and sent me the following e-mail:

"Howdy Jess.  How are you?  I'm writing because I was concerned that you're falling behind with your reading the classics because there are just too many words in Moby Dick. So, I was thinking to send you a film that the BBC programme I work on made a couple of years ago called 'The Hunt for Moby Dick' - it's pretty good. But then coincidentally the presenter of this film (who is a whale / Moby Dick expert) got in touch today so I told him you were falling asleep while reading Moby Dick...and he suggested you try reading the illustrated version from University of Cailfornia. He says it's very good. Phew, what a story! Xxxx"

How amazing is that!  I cant find the programme on the net but i will get hold of a copy and i'll post the link for all to watch!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Keep on running...

After spending the day at the athletics yesterday...

In the company of the great...

and the hairy...
I decided i'd better get outside for a run (and off the treadmill) to help with my training.  It was freeeezing....

But at the top of Baildon moor i was greeted with this - so it was worth it....

and here is the proof that i went!

Friday 10 February 2012

Go to the opera - Done!

The time for opera has arrived!  Last night we went to see Norma at the Leeds Grand and it was fabulous.  I will definitely be seeing more and recommend it to all of you!

Ready for the Opera - it wasn't really a Julia Roberts moment (see below)

That guy just fainted..
In our second seat of the evening.  The first wasn't quite suitable, we both had an old mans foot in our backs during the 1.5 hours of the first half - it wasn't awesome


And this is how i had imagined it....