Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sunday 29 January 2012

Opera - booked!

There's no time like the present!  So i've booked to go and see Norma at the beginning of Feb at Leeds Opera House!

Leeds Grand - Norma

No idleness; no laziness; no procrastination......hmmmmm.....

When I started my blog I thought it'd be a doddle to get most of the things on my list completed straight away.  It's now proving to be quite difficult to maintain the "no idleness; no laziness; no procrastination" plan.   So, tomorrow (Monday's always a great day to start new things....) i shall start again!

To be very fair to myself,  i did try to fix my guitar today (see below) and then i couldn't do it so i carried on ready Moby Dick for a while....then i fell asleep...  So, it's not been a complete waste of a day! 

Sometimes the best woman for the job may actually be a man...

Sunday 22 January 2012

Have a day of selfish indulgence - done!

Yesterday I enjoyed my ‘day of selfish indulgence’! It’s pretty difficult to try to indulge for a whole day but I tried my very best.  It may not appear to be very extravagant, but it was cracking!  Here’s how it went….

A good day always starts with a lie-in...

Fun at Harlow Carr

A bit of squirrelling

A lovely tit!

Lunch from Bettys in a greenhouse - brrrrrrr

Andy misbehaving - please don't tell the cops

Time to relax....a facial, hot stone massage and nails done - two and a half hours of bliss!

Champagne cocktails back at home.....
and Domino's.....

...whilst watching 'Breakfast at Tiffany's (my new favourite film - amazing).
How glamourous!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Sunday 15 January 2012

Paint a canvas - done!

My subject

Sketching in the cold

Sketching in the warm!

The beginnings of a masterpiece..

This is probably how Hockney does it

Can you tell what it is yet?

It looks just a little bit different to the original scene

Ta dah!  It has been suggested that it looks like a 12-year old painted this....but, to me, it's a masterpiece!

Andy's attempt.....hmmm

Day 30 - A photo a day for 30 days! - Done

Another one done!

A photo a day for 30 days is now complete!  It's actually been really great to do.  It's been fun thinking of things to take photos of and now means i have over 300 photos from over the last 30 days.  Had i not been doing this task i would have missed out on taking a photograph of our close friend before she passed away, so for that alone it's been very special.

Day 29 - A photo a day for 30 days!

Sketching in the sun

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 27 - A photo a day for 30 days!

I'm ready for my close-up...

You gotta love a quote.......

I love quotes.  They can inspire you, make you feel happy, sad, glad, mad, bad etc.  These are my favourite from the top 100 movie quotes alongside useful situations in which to use them.  Feel free to use as and when necessary:

  • "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"
 (The Wizard of Oz) - useful to quote when one finds oneself in an unusual situation i.e. tramps in the House of Commons.

  • "May the force be with you"
(Star Wars) - useful when somebody is entering a difficult situation i.e friend about to tell their boyfriend they're pregnant...and it might be the milkman's.

  • "The name's Bond...James Bond
(007) - Must only be used when drinking a martini and curling ones lower lip.  Useful when introducing yourself to somebody you have no interest in.

  • "Houston....we have a problem"
(Apollo 13) Obvious - use in any problematic situation.

  • "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."
(Casablanca) - To be used when you bump into an old friend - works well in an American accent.

  • "Here's Johnny"!
(The Shining) - Useful to use when playing hide and seek/hiding from somebody with the aim of jumping out and scaring the shit out of them.

  • "I'm the king of the world!"
(Titanic) - Only use when very, very happy.

  • "Nobody puts baby in a corner"
(Dirty Dancing) - In my experience, this is used when any female sits in a corner.  It's obvious but people will still laugh.

Monday 9 January 2012

Sunday 8 January 2012

Book a last minute mini-break - done!

Excited!!  No, i was just pretending. 
Our loft apartment in the White Linen Guest House in Whitby - fabulous - Thank you for booking it Mrs F-W!
Off fossil hunting!

Risking our lives...

Drinks with the gang!

Amanda about to play Resident-Evil in the apartment! 
After waaaaaay too much food

Only the cool-kids play scrabble after a night out



Beautiful Whitby

Smoked kippers....urgh

On the harbour

It may only be Whitby...but it is beautiful

More food...now home...to diet.

Day 25 - A photo a day for 30 days!

Somewhere beyond the sea

Go fossil hunting - done!

Down we go to Runswick Bay!

Happy (tired looking) fossil hunters!

Stop....hammer - time

Pretending to hammer - it was too much of a health and safety risk for me to do it properly - didn't want to lose a hand! 

Our first ammonite!

And another!

And another!

Then we got bored and went to the pub......