Tuesday 10 January 2012

You gotta love a quote.......

I love quotes.  They can inspire you, make you feel happy, sad, glad, mad, bad etc.  These are my favourite from the top 100 movie quotes alongside useful situations in which to use them.  Feel free to use as and when necessary:

  • "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"
 (The Wizard of Oz) - useful to quote when one finds oneself in an unusual situation i.e. tramps in the House of Commons.

  • "May the force be with you"
(Star Wars) - useful when somebody is entering a difficult situation i.e friend about to tell their boyfriend they're pregnant...and it might be the milkman's.

  • "The name's Bond...James Bond
(007) - Must only be used when drinking a martini and curling ones lower lip.  Useful when introducing yourself to somebody you have no interest in.

  • "Houston....we have a problem"
(Apollo 13) Obvious - use in any problematic situation.

  • "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."
(Casablanca) - To be used when you bump into an old friend - works well in an American accent.

  • "Here's Johnny"!
(The Shining) - Useful to use when playing hide and seek/hiding from somebody with the aim of jumping out and scaring the shit out of them.

  • "I'm the king of the world!"
(Titanic) - Only use when very, very happy.

  • "Nobody puts baby in a corner"
(Dirty Dancing) - In my experience, this is used when any female sits in a corner.  It's obvious but people will still laugh.

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