Sunday 22 January 2012

Have a day of selfish indulgence - done!

Yesterday I enjoyed my ‘day of selfish indulgence’! It’s pretty difficult to try to indulge for a whole day but I tried my very best.  It may not appear to be very extravagant, but it was cracking!  Here’s how it went….

A good day always starts with a lie-in...

Fun at Harlow Carr

A bit of squirrelling

A lovely tit!

Lunch from Bettys in a greenhouse - brrrrrrr

Andy misbehaving - please don't tell the cops

Time to relax....a facial, hot stone massage and nails done - two and a half hours of bliss!

Champagne cocktails back at home.....
and Domino's.....

...whilst watching 'Breakfast at Tiffany's (my new favourite film - amazing).
How glamourous!

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